Tag: weekend

I Hate Wednesdays

I recently had a revelation.  The day of the week that I hate the most is not the widely-detested Monday, but rather is, far and away, Wednesday.

The best day of the week is, of course, Saturdays because they're right in middle of the weekend, as defined the American way as lasting from Friday through Sunday.  On Saturdays, I get to sleep

Sleep: Oh How I Love Thee, Oh How I Miss Thee

This post is about sleep because every waking moment during the last week when I wasn't thinking about food, I was thinking about sleep. It may have something to do with the fact that I haven't gotten a decent amount of sleep on a weeknight for over a month.

I can count on one hand the

How I Became a Yankee Dixie

During my high school senior year college application process, a teacher advised me not to go to school in the South.  "You're Asian and you're Catholic," he warned, inferring neither is particularly welcome down in the land of the Dixie.  I dutifully complied, with my most southern application going to Washington D.C., rest to the
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