I am opinionated about a whole range of topics with little knowledge on a very small number of things.
The result of this less-than-ideal combination of personality and intellectual (in)capacity is that I have a tendency to mock, rather loudly and proudly, things I don’t understand.
Take art. I am an uncivilized philistine, so it is probably fair
Tag: narcissism
An Irrelevant Discourse on an Irrelevant Puzzle Hobby
Among the many hobbies of mine, doing jigsaw puzzles is one of my most irrelevant.
My colleagues have developed an odd misconception about me and puzzles. It all began several years ago when I announced, as I was leaving on the last day of work before my winter vacation began, that I was going home
My colleagues have developed an odd misconception about me and puzzles. It all began several years ago when I announced, as I was leaving on the last day of work before my winter vacation began, that I was going home
Things I Discovered by Googling My Name
Have you ever Googled yourself?
I have, but that probably doesn’t come as a surprise to many of you who know how much of a narcissistic egomaniac I am.
Even if it’s in your nature to be more humble and reserved than I, I still recommend that you occasionally run a search of yourself at www.google.com, if only
I have, but that probably doesn’t come as a surprise to many of you who know how much of a narcissistic egomaniac I am.
Even if it’s in your nature to be more humble and reserved than I, I still recommend that you occasionally run a search of yourself at www.google.com, if only
I’m Available to Give a Lecture on So Many Topics
One of the things I remain mystified about is why no one has ever asked me to give a lecture. I would have thought that a person like me with an opinion on a whole range of topics would be hounded to share just a small portion of all the invaluable insight.
The only explanation I have for
The only explanation I have for
30 Problems That Only Extroverts (Or I) Understand
I came across this article on 30 Problems That Only Introverts Understand through someone else's posting on Facebook. I understood none of the things on the list, which I presumed was because I am the opposite of an introvert.
And so I felt qualified to create the below list of 30 Problems That Only Extroverts Understand.
And so I felt qualified to create the below list of 30 Problems That Only Extroverts Understand.
The Nature of Being Judgmental
I am a very critical and judgmental person.
I recently realized how serious my critical nature has become when the first words out of my mouth to a person who had just completed making a perfectly thoughtful remark was, "But isn't it...?" Being critical has become so second nature to me that I have developed a pattern of "disagree first, think later."
I recently realized how serious my critical nature has become when the first words out of my mouth to a person who had just completed making a perfectly thoughtful remark was, "But isn't it...?" Being critical has become so second nature to me that I have developed a pattern of "disagree first, think later."
Why I Hate Running but Care for Hiking
I hate running.
A couple years ago, I tried to follow the regiment set out in Cool Running to go from a couch potato to a decent runner. I was committed enough to wake up at a god-awful hour of five in the morning to do a thrice weekly run for about six weeks before I
A couple years ago, I tried to follow the regiment set out in Cool Running to go from a couch potato to a decent runner. I was committed enough to wake up at a god-awful hour of five in the morning to do a thrice weekly run for about six weeks before I
Passionately Opinionated
René Descartes once said, "I think, therefore I am," apparently to make the point that someone wondering whether or not he or she exists is, in and of itself, proof that something, an "I", exists to do the thinking.
I suppose my equivalent would be "I opine, therefore I am," to make the point that having
I suppose my equivalent would be "I opine, therefore I am," to make the point that having
10 Lesson I Never Learned (And Why I’m No Jeremy Lin)
There's Linsanity sweeping across Limerica. Even Forbes magazine has gotten into the Linsanity by posting 10 lessons we can all learn from Jeremy's Linspiration. I read the list and realized why, although also tall and Asia, I'm no Jeremy Lin:
1. Believe in yourself when no one else does.
Because words like "vanity" and "narcissism" have been used
1. Believe in yourself when no one else does.
Because words like "vanity" and "narcissism" have been used
In Defense of My Education…
A couple months ago, I defended lawyers. To show that I can make myself even more lovable, today I defend my educational background, which I thought spoke for itself. For this show of narcissism that's paralleled, y'all can thank my office neighbor, who, upon hearing the details of my academic history, questioned whether I slipped through the
Oh How I Love Myself
I love myself.
This blog is all about me, which is why I love it and I need people to read it, comment on it and love it.
If I'm partaking in a conversation, I need to be the center of attention. I need people to laugh at my stories and show interest in what I say
This blog is all about me, which is why I love it and I need people to read it, comment on it and love it.
If I'm partaking in a conversation, I need to be the center of attention. I need people to laugh at my stories and show interest in what I say
A Thirteen Month Anniversary for the Blog
Today, this blog turns 13 months old. I would have celebrated the one year anniversary if only I had remembered to celebrate it. That I'd forgotten is actually fitting for this rather irrelevant blog.
In 13 months, I have written 76 posts, averaging nearly 6 posts a month. While the pace has slowed, I've tried to
In 13 months, I have written 76 posts, averaging nearly 6 posts a month. While the pace has slowed, I've tried to
“Bond, James Bond” My Name Ain’t
James Bond is a cool name because it's short, crisp and balanced. The last is important. You can't suavely pull off a "Bond, James Bond" if it's "Bondessville, Jim Bondessville."
My name, on the other hand, is long and unbalanced, with a one syllable first name and a four syllable last name.
My name, on the other hand, is long and unbalanced, with a one syllable first name and a four syllable last name.
25 Random Crap About Me
My sister, that bored nincompoop, created Note in Facebook with a list of 25 random facts about herself and then created a "rule" under which an unfortunate soul who was tagged will have to do the same thing. Presumably this is the most modern rendition of the cursed chain letter so the failure to respond
On Suffering from an Inferiority Complex
I suffer from an extreme case of inferiority complex.
The condition manifests itself in many ways, the most obvious in my refusal to stand close to a person who is taller than I am. My height--at 6'1''--is my most redeemable quality. Putting aside the fact that I was never able to redeem the quality--lack of athleticism
The condition manifests itself in many ways, the most obvious in my refusal to stand close to a person who is taller than I am. My height--at 6'1''--is my most redeemable quality. Putting aside the fact that I was never able to redeem the quality--lack of athleticism