Tag: judgmental

The Three Rs I Live By–Respect, Responsibility and Restraint

I try to live by the three Rs:  Always be Respectful, often be Responsible and sometimes show Restraint.

The first R, the respect, comes from my belief that everyone on earth has the ability to contribute something for the betterment of society.

I suppose it's my faith in the fundamental goodness of human kind that underlies this belief, but the

This Year’s Lenten Reflection is to be More like Christ

I was deeply moved by Lenten passage.  It epitomizes what I need to strive for in my journey of faith.

In one sense I have come pretty far in that journey, for I no longer find the having of faith to be that difficult.  To be sure, faith has never come easy and it probably never will, but

10 Lesson I Never Learned (And Why I’m No Jeremy Lin)

There's Linsanity sweeping across Limerica.  Even Forbes magazine has gotten into the Linsanity by posting 10 lessons we can all learn from Jeremy's Linspiration.  I read the list and realized why, although also tall and Asia, I'm no Jeremy Lin:

1. Believe in yourself when no one else does.  

Because words like "vanity" and "narcissism" have been used
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