Tag: inspiration

My Admiration for Dreamers

I have great admiration for those who chase dreams because they exhibit the best of what it means to have a human experience.  I admire them because they live their life to the fullest.  Being a dreamer is a prerequisite for greatness.

10 Lesson I Never Learned (And Why I’m No Jeremy Lin)

There's Linsanity sweeping across Limerica.  Even Forbes magazine has gotten into the Linsanity by posting 10 lessons we can all learn from Jeremy's Linspiration.  I read the list and realized why, although also tall and Asia, I'm no Jeremy Lin:

1. Believe in yourself when no one else does.  

Because words like "vanity" and "narcissism" have been used

Why I Admire Josh Hamilton Despite (Because of) His Latest Relapse

When I heard that Texas Rangers' outfielder Josh Hamilton relapsed with alcohol again, I felt an indescribable mix of awe, sadness, courage, inspiration and strength.  Hamilton epitomizes the best and worst of human beings, the amazing things we are capable of but also the depths to which we can sink.  When I look at Hamilton,
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