Tag: google

Things I Discovered by Googling My Name

Have you ever Googled yourself?

I have, but that probably doesn’t come as a surprise to many of you who know how much of a narcissistic egomaniac I am.

Even if it’s in your nature to be more humble and reserved than I, I still recommend that you occasionally run a search of yourself at www.google.com, if only

Futility in Writing Effort

When you're an attorney, you're almost expected to be published.  In two law-related jobs that I've held, one of the first questions I was asked was "Were you on a law journal?"  I managed to survive at the law firm and with the judge despite my answer in the negative, but I could always see

On Catching Up on Sports Illustrated

I started getting a subscription to Sports Illustrated right after the Patriots won its first Super Bowl.  Ever since then, I've been dutifully paying the annual $100 or so annual subscription fee, but truth be told, I never similarly dutifully read the magazine.  The darn thing kept on coming every week, some issues (notably the
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