It's what I call fame through association, and it's exactly what I want.
This is why I'm gregarious with every new person I meet, try to become best friends with everybody I form a bond with, and never turn down an opportunity to hang out with anyone who offers.
I have great admiration for those who chase dreams because they exhibit the best of what it means to have a human experience. I admire them because they live their life to the fullest. Being a dreamer is a prerequisite for greatness.
This post is about sleep because every waking moment during the last week when I wasn't thinking about food, I was thinking about sleep. It may have something to do with the fact that I haven't gotten a decent amount of sleep on a weeknight for over a month.
It's unusual enough to recall a dream you had the night prior, but it's truly rare to have a dream with more or less the same story which I always recall because it's literally dé ja vu.
It goes something like this. It is the last week of classes and I am panicking because it dawns
Recalling dreams is rare, but I remember two from last night.
In the first, Sarah Palin announced that she has "resigned" as the running mate of John McCain two days before the election, a belated "October surprise." I haven't the slightest doubt this dream was triggered by this article from CNN. I also vaguely recall McCain