Tag: new jersey

To Jon, My Newly-Married Friend: Thanks for the Lifelong Friendship


When I think of lifelong friendships, I think about us.

You’re probably the oldest friend I have.  You've known me since the days I barely spoke English, which is hard to believe because these days, I have trouble convincing people that I speak another language.

There's something unique about a childhood friendship.  It's formed before we become identified

“Jersey Boys” (2014) is a Solid Film in Its Own Right


As a movie based on a broadway musical, "Jersey Boys" (2014) avoids two traps that other movie musicals fall into: casting actors who have the name recognition but not the singing capabilities and lack of scale that puts to waste the unlimited spacial possibilities of films on screen.

The Pride of New Jersey

I grew up in the wonderful state of New Jersey.  It is a source of great pride for me, but  for reasons I’ll never truly understand, my source of pride seems to be an international embarrassment for most people.

Mocked as the “Armpit of America” by many Americans, the views of foreigners about the State of

Summer is the Memories of Discontents

There is only one good thing about the summer, and it's that it is followed by the most pleasant season of the year.

I was born in August, right in the smack of the summer, no doubt on a hot, humid and miserable day. My mom always wonders why I hate so much the season in

Why I Hate the Season Everyone Loves

Of the four seasons, I hate spring the most. I try to live by the words, "Never hate, sometimes dislike," so I have reserved a very special place in my heart for the season we are currently in.

There are many reasons to hate spring, but topping the list is the fact that it is a

Music Tied to My Life Moments

My life consists of obsessions and it's no different with music.  When I buy new music, I listen to it over and over (and over and over) again until it is playing in my head and driving me insane.  I then find the next music to obsess about.   Because of this, many of the songs

A Taste of the South


My Southern friend occasionally forwards me "You know you're a Southerner if..." e-mails.   For me, many of these are list of aspirations, things I wish and hope to one day become.

My trip to Tennessee was partly to discover whether I'm cut out to be a Dixie, wearing shirts with confederate flags, speaking with a

My Endorsements for Franklin Lakes School Board

On April 27, 2011, residents of Franklin Lakes will go to the polls to elect new school boards and approve or disapprove the school budgets.  For the first time in two years, the election is competitive.  While it is cutting it close, it is not too late to get an absentee ballot.  I cannot think

How I Became a Yankee Dixie

During my high school senior year college application process, a teacher advised me not to go to school in the South.  "You're Asian and you're Catholic," he warned, inferring neither is particularly welcome down in the land of the Dixie.  I dutifully complied, with my most southern application going to Washington D.C., rest to the

From Baseball Cap to Handgun: Story of Joe’s Rebellion

My parents are typical Asian parents.  They are controlling and overbearing.  That I was their oldest--and only--son probably didn't help much.

I think it's psychologically healthy for every child to go through a rebellious period against his or her parents (within means, of course), but I fear I missed out on that experience when I had
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