There is a scene in "Everest" (2015) in which magazine journalist Jon Krakauer (Michael Kelly) asks the several climbers he has accompanied for part of the trip why they are looking to reach the highest peak in the world.
"Because it's there!" they all answer at the same time, fully aware how humorously unsatisfying answer is.
When pressed for a more satisfactory response, Yasuko Namba (Naoko
A couple years ago, I tried to follow the regiment set out in Cool Running to go from a couch potato to a decent runner. I was committed enough to wake up at a god-awful hour of five in the morning to do a thrice weekly run for about six weeks before I
Of the four seasons, I hate spring the most. I try to live by the words, "Never hate, sometimes dislike," so I have reserved a very special place in my heart for the season we are currently in.
There are many reasons to hate spring, but topping the list is the fact that it is a
The pictures and videos are all you need to understand that Japan has a long and painful road ahead even before the recovery can begin. But for now, I am thankful that family, friends, and everyone I know in Japan are safe.
When something like this happens to a place and people you know very well,