When I think of lifelong friendships, I think about us.
You’re probably the oldest friend I have. You've known me since the days I barely spoke English, which is hard to believe because these days, I have trouble convincing people that I speak another language.
There's something unique about a childhood friendship. It's formed before we become identified
I don't have a lot of regrets in my life. If forced to name them, I have a list of three to choose from, but people laughed at me the one time I talked about how I forever regret choosing to study for my constitutional law exam instead of attending my very first Brad Paisley concert,
My life consists of obsessions and it's no different with music. When I buy new music, I listen to it over and over (and over and over) again until it is playing in my head and driving me insane. I then find the next music to obsess about. Because of this, many of the songs
Last week, I learned of a ridiculous fact that Justin Bieber earned $50 million this year. Besides making me think I definitely made a wrong career choice, it got me thinking about what I would do if I had $50 million...
I'll go to Monaco on a $1 million cruise trip and put $2 million on
During my high school senior year college application process, a teacher advised me not to go to school in the South. "You're Asian and you're Catholic," he warned, inferring neither is particularly welcome down in the land of the Dixie. I dutifully complied, with my most southern application going to Washington D.C., rest to the