Joe: Fine, whatever. How about investing? I’m a pretty bad investor, but one time I made this particularly bad investment when I was told I was getting a special bonus that
Below is a word-by-word transcript of an interview with Joe, who insisted on being interviewed as "The Most Fascinating Person in the History of Humanity" but who is anything but.
--I can’t believe I’m doing this This interview is going to be a complete waste of time.
Despite my affliction with Airplane Incidents Obsession Syndrome, I enjoy traveling by air. I've flown domestically and internationally, in business and in economy, and on U.S. and foreign airlines. What I've discovered through all that flying is that U.S. airlines are unbearably, unbelievably awful.
In fact, I'd rather fly 14 hours on economy class from New
As I look back on the past year, which flew by even faster than usual, the biggest news for me was the retirement of The Honorable Peter E. Doyne, the Assignment Judge of the Bergen Vicinage of the Superior Court of New Jersey.
Judge Doyne was my first boss and mentor. I became his law clerk
I have a rare and disturbing disease that I have termed "Airplane Incident Obsession Syndrome," or AIOS. It manifests itself with symptoms such as religiously watching the TV series called "Mayday!," a highly-acclaimed Canadian documentary that goes into depth of what went went wrong in airplane incidents, or obsessively following updates on latest airplane incidents.
A two and a half week absence from my blog has left me with mixed feelings: the gratification in knowing people follow my blog but resignation in knowing they're only interested in my politics. For those who kindly encouraged me to break my silence as Ted Kennedy died and Japan went through an Obama-esque "change,"